
Nichols provided strategic reviews, improved assurance and programme management support to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, enabling them to achieve their goals safely and effectively.

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) is a non-departmental public body tasked with decommissioning and cleaning up civil nuclear sites across the UK. They are responsible for effective implementation of a multi £bn annual portfolio of major programmes.


In 2009 we undertook a strategic review of the NDA’s capability to manage its capital programmes and projects.  We then became a close and trusted advisor, helping the NDA to assure delivery of many of their most complex and challenging programmes at Sellafield and Dounreay.  We supported the NDA through significant changes, including a complete re-organisation of its relationship with these sites.

One of our key recommendations to the NDA was to establish a Programme and Project Review Group to provide independent advice and intervention.  We assisted the NDA with its implementation, secured internal cooperation and led the group during its first year of operation.

We were asked to help directly with challenges faced at Sellafield site regarding storage silos for nuclear waste which were over 50 years old, making this the highest hazard plant in Europe.  Working with the site team we devised an alternative approach to reducing risk quickly and safely, whilst saving over £1.5bn in costs.  Having secured approvals from all Government agencies, this scheme began waste retrieval in 2018.

Nichols works in a creative and integrated way.  One example of this is our Comparator Product, which has provided the NDA with a unique and fresh perspective, sharing information from other industries.

Working towards a greener future

The NDA commended us for being challenging and innovative in our recommendations and particularly for bringing in a new perspective, fresh ideas and experience from other industries.

Through our support of the development of the programme and project management strategy we ensured the effective implementation of the NDAs portfolio.

The deployment of our skills, experience and clear strategic focus has been critical to providing assurance and improving client performance.  As a result, the NDA and its partners were able to exercise enhanced control of programme delivery, increasing the confidence of the principal funders in Government and the National Audit Office.


Elizabeth line

London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic Games

Towns Fund

Department for

Low Carbon Contracts Company

Global Technology Company

Palace of Westminster

Oslo Airport

High Speed 2

Decommissioning Authority


Office of Rail and Road

Iconic Stories


Highways Agency

Transport for London

Docklands Light

Hong Kong West
Kowloon Expressway

Crossrail 2

Jubilee Line Extension

Crossrail Early Years

Department for Transport Intercity Express Programme

Transport for London
Capital Programmes
Delivery Capability

Hong Kong
Highways Department

Network Rail Black Diamond


A Major UK Bank

Anglo American