
Successful sponsorship is essential to successful project delivery. It provides a unique bridge from policy to delivery giving absolute clarity on the business outcomes that the delivery team must achieve, together with the key parameters within which they must operate. It gives confidence that policy will be successfully implemented, investment will be directed wisely, benefits realised and outcomes achieved.

We work closely with an organisation’s leadership team to design, develop and implement sponsorship and Intelligent Client capability.

We understand the importance of appointing a credible client at the earliest stages, empowered to direct investment and ensure the required competencies are in place. These competencies include clear definition of requirements, business case development, stakeholder management, and strategic risk management.

Vision, strategy, delivery

Our sponsorship experts assess the organisation’s current capabilities and identify the best route to achieving the required capacity and capability. Where necessary Nichols experts will take on roles within the organisation to achieve rapid results, and to develop current staff through knowledge sharing and coaching.

With our support, the organisation is able to establish clearly defined roles and accountabilities for all parties including delivery and operator functions.

Our involvement brings improved leadership and decision making skills, and clearly defined accountabilities. We ensure a focus on the strategy, the business case, and the funding and investment. Our support delivers improved relationships with stakeholders, and clear roles and responsibilities that work in harmony with those of the business.

Successful sponsorship brings benefits throughout the programme lifecycle, managing change and enabling the organisation to realise the expected benefits.

Nichols are leaders in the design and delivery of Intelligent Client and sponsorship capability, advising major organisations including Transport for London, the Department for Transport and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


London 2012 Olympic
and Paralympic Games

Transport for London

Department for