Business Case

An approved business case is a prerequisite to enable most change initiatives to progress. It should comprehensively demonstrate why the proposal should proceed and cohesively blend a broad range of perspectives and technical inputs.

Nichols often sees business cases constructed around an attractive solution, without sufficient evidence that the core strategic rationale has been fully considered – this is a major factor in business cases being rejected.

Compelling business cases require a strategic vision to be translated into deliverable plans; appropriately broad options appraisal; and must address the differing priorities of stakeholders and approval bodies.

As experienced business case advisors, our approach involves working closely with the client to challenge and strengthen the core strategic proposal. We ask simple and powerful questions to build an honest diagnosis of what each business case requires and relay findings in an actionable way. We then create a tailored service focused on the elements we believe will have the greatest impact.

Aligning objectives and optimising value

We act as a skilled integrator, clarifying differences in viewpoint and terminology to create a harmonised understanding of what is needed to produce an effective business case from an approvals perspective.

Nichols has extensive experience working with funding approvers at the highest levels within the public and private sectors, helping clients to deliver successful business cases.

We have successfully delivered business cases for clients across the regeneration, transport and energy sectors that have resulted in investment approvals for a diverse range of major capital programmes and projects, additional funding secured for new and enhanced schemes, and optimised benefits and value for money delivered for funders, users and taxpayers.

We have seen clients benefit from improved buy in and confidence from influential stakeholders, promoting trust and collaboration. Nichols is passionate about knowledge sharing and our approach delivers a legacy of improved client capability.



Palace of Westminster

Crossrail 2