We are an independent company of strategic change makers, owned and led by sisters Kathryn Nichols and Frances Nichols.
Our vision and values are at the centre of all that we do. We believe in compassionate leadership and aim to raise business consciousness in the world to create a more harmonious future. We enjoy working with like minded people and organisations who share our vision of creativity to inspire and change the world.
Kathryn and Frances Nichols champion diversity and balance, and together, launched Loving Variety, Nichols dedicated equality and diversity programme. We strive for a more inclusive business landscape and promote openness, communication, sharing ideas and knowledge and the empowerment of all.
Everyone at Nichols is aligned with our vision and values, and passion for making a difference. We share a powerful team spirit, positive attitudes, creativity and vibrant energy. All of our people have outstanding talent, exceptional experience, distinctive style and a high level of emotional awareness.
We are a family business and a business family, this extends to our people and clients alike. All are invited to join one of the most respected networks in the world of strategic thought leaders.