
One of the greatest challenges for an organisation is the implementation of a significant change programme. Cultural change and the engagement of people within all areas of the organisation from the outset are paramount to achieving a successful outcome.

Nichols agile approach to transformational change is centred on people, behaviour, attitudes and relationships. We balance a focus on our client’s key objectives with genuine engagement. We work collaboratively with our client to design their future, desired behaviours and outcomes, and the create a plan for change.

People centred change

Our people centred approach provides a safe space for engagement and innovation. Those impacted by the change are empowered and have the opportunity to influence and challenge to ensure the change is the most effective it can be. We collaborate to identify interim outcomes and measures so that the success of the initiative can be monitored, opportunities developed, and benefits maximised.

We facilitate workshops and innovative exercises to create momentum and ensure engagement and commitment, supporting people to accept, adopt and embed change. We ensure clear and effective communication is in place and training strategies are adapted through stakeholder management and collaboration. Where required, we can fill key roles during the transition enabling effective recruitment and allowing us to harness expertise and insight, and to transfer skills through coaching and mentoring.

Nichols proven approach creates genuine engagement, supports programme delivery, and delivers a legacy of positive change within an organisation. We build support at all levels within the organisation by engaging the team in agreeing the need for change and the best way to deliver the required outcomes. Our focus on people minimises uncertainty and resistance, delivers greater engagement, and ultimately smooth, successful change.


Transport for London
Capital Programmes
Delivery Capability


Jubilee Line Extension