
Our clients often ask us “what does good look like?” in relation to an aspect of programme, project or change management. While experts in their own business, many people recognise the value of understanding how others tackle similar challenges to their own. Typical questions might be, “when can I expect to see real benefits from my change programme?” or, “how do I build long term relationships with the supply chain whilst maintaining competitive tension?”. By considering how others address similar questions, it is possible to learn from their experience and build confidence in or modify your own strategy and approach.

What does good look like?

Nichols has a track record in providing valuable insights through comparator studies, We help turn an idea or concern into a targeted question and build a balanced and interesting comparator group, drawing on our extensive range of senior relationships in a variety of organisations in both the public and private sectors, together with those suggested by our clients. We identify the lines of inquiry that will yield the most valuable insights and carry out structured interviews with those best placed and most willing to participate. We believe that these senior figures each have something valuable to contribute which we can explore through a rich conversation rather than a questionnaire or tick list of questions.

We collate and analyse our findings, discussing interim conclusions with the client and provide them with a report or presentation in the form which most easily allows them to apply the learning within their organisation. This learning enables our client to improve the confidence of their team and ensures they have the best information to support strategic decisions.

Managing complex programmes, projects and change programmes is complex. Understanding others’ experiences and how they have addressed similar challenges can provide confidence, insight, fresh ideas and measures of success to underpin and enhance your own strategy and approach. This results in better understood, targeted and effective programmes. Through our comparator studies, we provide feedback to the participants and can make personal introductions to broaden our clients’ professional network, enabling them to expand relationships and continue their shared learning.

TfL Capital Programmes Delivery Capability

Nuclear Decommissioning Authorty

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